
we'll be dead before we're thin enough.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

shut up complaining you fat slut.

Only two and a half days stuck at my grans eating! :/

Being stuck here has made me heavier then before i started this! FAT FUCKING SLUT!
Im nearly ten stone!? TEN FUCKING STONES! :'(

Celulite thighs. belly rolls. fat face. flabby arms.

I could cry. I feel so dirty fat.

Only two and a half more days! & then i can go home and starve & run & walk & purge.


KG; one fat fuck. ox


  1. I've just got back from my grandma's too and had the same problem.
    Do you want to do a fast together? It might make us feel better :)

    Btw, for the bipolar thing, you should probably to the doctor. But if you're mom's still annoyed with you, maybe wait until she's calmed down to do it.

  2. I would love to fast with you! Only thing is i'm not back for another two days, i text my mum about going home & she was like 'no. the house is still upside down.'
    So im stuck here for even longer :/
    Yea i'm not going to tell her until we're sorted :) ox
