
we'll be dead before we're thin enough.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

do i want to be bald?

Well i managed to fast all day today my body actually had zero energy, im not even being funny i could hardly carry my bag around school thats how tired i was.
I got home and was ready for my hour and a half long walk with P. But something happend which took half an hour so i thought i'd do my hair. Brushing through, and a massive clump of hair came out and i didnt think to much of it, then it happend again.
I thought to myself; is this really worth it, cause i straight away knew it was from how many fast's id been doing recently. So i did it. I ate. I ate food. And you know something i dont even regret it.
But now i've eaten i can fast again. I dont know why im so obsessed with fasting but and im probably wrong but i seem to think now i've eaten my hair will be fine, but it wont. I know really it wont be fine. But it'll have to be. Im not going to start my 10 day fast again cause that would be stupid [since i barley ate anything]. Im just going to carry on like im not going bald. & then... then i guess i'll be happy. I'll be happy when im thin, with no hair.
I'll be happy? i doubt i'll ever be happy with my weight.
But i can try & then no one can ever say i didnt try to make it better. Because weather i go bald, fait, get ill. I'll be doing something i want to do. &  want to starve, i want to starve forever!

Stay strong! You all keep me going through the day! ox


  1. Are you taking multivitamins and all those things? they can help keep the hair. Also if you are going to try and eat get some protein into you coz hair likes that too. stay safe. xo

  2. I'm having the same problem. Luckily, my hair is so thick, the loss isn't noticeable.

    I'd agree with Acka11 - take multivitamins.

