
we'll be dead before we're thin enough.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

handeling business.

Fuck my life.

by now i should be like food? whats that? its more like food? oh you mean the stuff i eat loads of when i get back from schoo, yea i know the stuff i dont keep out of my mouth.
PAH! im a fucking joke.
I mean ive cut down an awfull lot. But im still eating.
Tomorrow im not going promise anything, but im going to try my damn hardest! I promise i'll try hard.

My best friend C is talking to my best friend T. And i basically said look right if i did this to 1 or 2 then you wouldnt like me! its not that its T. Its that its my ex. and youre meant to be my bestfriend! and you should know better.
Then she started getting all cocky 'i never said you were my bestfriend mate.' well she obviously did for the past three years. & then she told me to get a life! I didnt reply cause i didnt want to argue just state my point.

I have so much work to do its unreal! if i want a disinction in my business btec studies then i have loaaaaaads of work to do, and i do want distinction and at the end of year 11 i want distinction * which means distinction on every peice of coursework. cause no exams in btec. so i need to get my head down.

me and my mother have made up, when i got back from my grans my mum gave me some new benefit make up which i loved & i loved her for giving me! It actually made my week!
But yea lots of work up in five hours for a shower and to get read for school, cause tomorrows photograph day.

KG; ox

1 comment:

  1. I love Benefit make-up! I have an awesome plum coloured mascara that I love :)

    You can get back on track, I know you can!
    Stay strong.
