
we'll be dead before we're thin enough.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

time for change

Im not talking about dieting today, cause i dont see any point.

Yesterday i wrote a short list of things i wanted to do to change, today im making it longer and more detailed;
- Grow my hair, since i made the mistake of having it all cut off about a year and a half ago. I then plan on dying it ginger when it gets past boob length. But im not to sure on the colour just yet cause im sure i will of changed my mind by then.
-Eat healthier; salads, less crap. Because im going to try to stop fasting all the time on and off, and just eat better.
-Become a happier person. Says it all really.
-Sell some more stuff that i dont want, cause i have loads of clothes i dont wear just sitting there that i could sell for more money, since Christmas is only a few months away!
-Try harder to get a job.
-Look after my skin more, cause i have very dry skin and recently i havent been taking care of it.
-Instead of being obsessed with acrylic nails, take care of my own more.
-Get on with my school work. Insteadof being constantly distracted in class and on here instead of doing my homework/coursework.
-Start a hobby, like boxercise,hockey, art classes..ect
-Walk before and after school

And when i get myself back on track with school and everything, start dieting like i used to. When i had real willpower, when i wanted this more then anything ever! I ate today. And i'll eat tomorrow. But i really need to sort myself out and get back to how it was, when i could fast for days and loose weight in an instant.

Stay strong, and please dont be ashamed of me! ox


  1. Never ashamed of you! This post is great, very inspirational <3

  2. No one on here would ever be ashamed of someone else. We all have the same general ups and downs so we know how it feels. Good for you on making a list of goals, I should do the same!

  3. Loving the list. It's a good one. Healthy eating is better than fasting from a less binging point of view. :)

    Good luck and thank you for the inspirational post.
